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Does this work with RPG Maker MZ?

Thanks!! I'm not very familiar with RPG Maker

From what I've seen You might need to rearrange them to match the default layout in RPG Maker MZ

What UI assets is using in demo image? Interested in this assets but need to find the suitable Ui assets

Hi the asset pack is for the character customization

The display and mockup are also included as gifs and you may extract and use it freely after purchasing the pack

So after purchase I will also have the UI assets and the background also?

This is not made as a UI assets pack
There is not a complete set of UI in it
But you may use the backgrounds and stuff in those mockup as you need

This looks like a program, but are you using aseprite?  Highly interested.

Yes I'm using Aseprite 

They are all sprite sheets in png that you can mix and match for character customization

Have you thought about selling the parallax background and battlebacks showcased here + some variations?

I'll be making free background packs

As the bow and helmets/hats have been suggested and probably are still in the works, may I suggest adding crossbow, magic staff, crystal ball, rapier, two-handed longsword, buckler, shield, mace/morning star/war hammer, quaterstaff, with their own distinct attack/spell cast animations? It's a long list but these would be great additions for sure. I am looking forward to the new updates!

I'll try to finish the helmet first for the next updates
Thanks for liking the asset!

Since you ask for ideas, do you think adding a bow/crossbow would be something worth considering? It's the only "classical" weapon left

I'll add bow for the frontal pose but not so soon

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High Quality. Bought.

A suggestion that

each action on a separate row may be better .

Dont think of save space, just make it easier for use and modify.

I was hesitating between that initially
Thanks for the suggestion
I might change that when I add more animation

After I checking the Aseprite export,

I think you can use the following setting to output tags by line: (If you are using aseprite and using tags.

layout-> By rows -> Fixed columns -> 24

sprite -> split tags

This is fantastic work. If possible , please add more animation and clothes. Thank you :)

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It’s such an amazing piece! I bought it as soon as I saw it. Are you considering adding clothes, faces, and hairstyles? I think it would be fantastic if you added a variety, from shabby to fancy outfits! Thank you for the great work!

I'll definitely try to add more in the future

This is fantastic, just the graphical style I was looking for!  Do you plan on doing multi-directional sprites for walking around on maps?  I know that would be a lot more work but it would be nice to have matching overworld sprites as well.  

I'm planning on adding some animations and some spell casting first atm

I'll definitely try to make that eventually

No worries!  Looking forward to future updates.  

Nice work, will be cool to have a shield block animation.

Is there a running attack?

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I'll try to add this next but it is hard since some outfits will look strange splitting in to top and bottom

Hey, what are the file formats in this?

They are sprite sheets with seperate layers that you can mix and match with

File format?



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Instant buy! Well done man. Are you interested in franchising the art/do a collab?

Thankss! But no in the moment

As you wish, opportunties come and go. Keep the quality bar up, you got almost no competition.

Next month... I'll buy this ! =D This is amazing !


Glad you are liking it!!
Spend over 18 months making this